Friday, January 15, 2010

You Won't Notice, But Gmail Is A Bit Safer Now

In recent news, Gmail will be making HTTPS the default option when sending out emails. HTTPS is essentially a type of encrypted connection that allows you to safely send out information or data without being hijacked. If you've done your banking online you have in all probability done so over a encrypted connection to the banking website. When dealing with sensitive information encrypted connections are pretty much the norm these days.

Making the push to HTTPS as a default highlights how online companies have to constantly address the security of their clients. If people can't trust a business to keep their information secure or private they will find one who they can trust. It can be a strong point of differentiation to be able to keep your clients information secure, something banks invest heavily on with regards to their online banking sites. Is this a change in Gmail one that you will really notice? Not really, but maybe we are taking our online security for granted.

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